Other Services
The NADA Protocol: Also known as the Five Needle Protocol (5NP), or acudetox, the NADA protocol uses five designated ear points in each ear. Originally developed as an adjunct treatment for addiction, the NADA protocol is now widely used to treat addiction, stress, PTSD, anxiety, and insomnia. We offer NADA protocol treatments for only $10 at the clinic. While we usually recommend individualized treatments for our patients, the NADA protocol is great for people who want to quit smoking or address other addictive habits. It is also great for people who just want to stop by for a quick treatment during a busy day or for people who are curious about acupuncture and want to try it out but don't have any specific health complaints.
Cupping: According to Chinese medicine theory, physical pain can imply the blockage of the flow of energy through an area of the body. Cupping is an ancient technique used by many cultures to ease blockages in the body by pulling stored toxins from the deeper tissues to the surface of the body where they can be more easily eliminated by the circulatory system. The initial sensation during a cupping session can be intense, but it should not be painful. Cups are left on for up to 10 minutes and can leave red or purple marks on the body that may remain for up to 7 to 10 days. Cupping can help with neck and shoulder tension and back pain. I also recommend it for chronic headaches and migraines if we are not getting the results we want from acupuncture alone. (I would cup the neck and shoulders in this instance, not the head!) Cupping is scheduled as a separate appointment, either before your acupuncture treatment or as a stand-alone treatment.
Reiki: Reiki is a Japanese form of energy work that is used for stress reduction, relaxation, and the elimination of pain. During a Reiki session, the patient lies fully clothed on a massage table, and the practitioner rests her hands lightly on or above the patient's body. A session usually lasts from 30 to 45 minutes. Reiki sessions are available for scheduling outside of our community acupuncture hours.